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第233期: Resonant Tunneling Diodes for Optoelectronic devices and systems



  报告题目: Resonant Tunneling Diodes for Optoelectronic devices and systems

  报告人: Prof. Charlie Ironside (Applied Physics, Curtin University)

  时间: 2014年9月23日 (星期二) 上午: 9:30

  地点: 中科院半导体研究所图书馆101会议室

  摘要: This talk will cover semiconductor optoelectronic devices that incorporate a resonant tunneling diode to provide negative differential resistance and thereby electronic gain. The optoelectronic devices include resonant tunneling diode photodiodes, lasers and electro-absorption modulators. These devices have been used in a variety of new optoelectronic systems that include clock recovery, optoelectronic oscillators, wireless/optical interfaces and chaos generation. The resonant tunneling diode optoelectronic systems have been very successfully modeled using the latest developments in nonlinear dynamics and indeed provide excellent examples of the application of the concepts developed in nonlinear dynamics including, synchronization, chaos and excitability.

  报告人:Prof Charlie Ironside worked on many semiconductor optoelectronic projects in over 30 years at the University of Glasgow. The projects were concerned with nonlinear optics, semiconductor lasers including modelocked laser diodes and quantum cascade lasers – he also developed many new resonant tunneling diode optoelectronic devices and systems. Recently, he has worked on mid-infrared light emitting diodes for gas sensing, polarization control of quantum cascade lasers and micro-traps for cooling atomic vapour. He published over 120 full journal papers and was recently award a prize –for the best Scottish Knowledge Transfer Partnership (2012) - for knowledge transfer to industry, in partnership with a Scottish company, Compound Semiconductor Technologies Global Ltd., for a quantum cascade laser project. Previous to the University of Glasgow, Prof. Ironside worked at Oxford University and Heriot-Watt University. Prof Ironside has recently, June 2014, joined the applied physics department of Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia to work on nanfabrication of optoelectronic devices.


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