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第279期:Anomalous phonon transport/heat diffusion in nano scale systems


  报告题目: Anomalous phonon transport/heat diffusion in nano scale systems

  报告人: Baowen Li(Rennie Family Endowed Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Colorado, Boulder; Center for Phononics and Thermal Energy Science, Tongji University, Shanghai, 200092, China; Baowen.Li@Colorado.Edu; phononics@tongji.edu.cn)  

  时间: 2016年5月12日(星期四) 下午14:00    

  地点: 中科院半导体研究所学术会议中心 

  摘要:Both experimental and numerical works in recent years have shown that thermal conductivity due to phonons in low dimensional nano scale systems like nanotube, nanowire, polymer chain, graphene, and other 2D materials are size dependent.

  In this talk, I will present a general theoretical understanding of the anomalous thermal conductivity. More specifically, I will discuss how the anomalous thermal transport (a macroscopic phenomenon) is connected with the anomalous heat diffusion (a microscopic process).


  [1] C W Chang et al, Phys Rev. Lett 101, 075903 (2008).

  [2] X-F Xu et al, Nat Comm 10, 1038 (2014).

  [3] S Liu et al, Phys Rev. Lett 112, 040601 (2014).  

  简历:Dr. Li received B. S from Nanjing University, M. Sci from Institute of Acoustics, the Chinese Academy of Science, and Ph. D from Oldenburg University, Germany in 1985, 1989 and 1992, respectively. He joined National University of Singapore (NUS) as assistant professor in 2000, and become full professor in 2007 and worked there until 2014. He has been 2014/2015 Russell Severance Springer Professor at Department of Mechanical Engineering, UC Berkeley. In August 2015, he joined Department Mechanical Engineering, University of Colorado, Boulder as the Rennie Family Endowed Professor.

  He is one of the pioneers in an emerging field – Phononics. He has authored and co-authored 280 papers including 1 Rev. Mod Physics and 30 Phys. Rev. Lett, with H-index of 58 and total citation > 11,600 (Google Scholar). He has given 192 plenary, keynote, and invited talks/seminars including the keynote lecture in the14th International Heat Transfer Conference (2010, Washington DC). So far, he has supervised 30 Ph. D students and more than 30 Postdocs.

  He is APS fellow (2013), recipient of numerous awards including 2005 National Science Award, Singapore, and 2005 OCPA’s (International Organization of Chinese Physicists and Astronomers) Asia Achievement Award and 2014/2015 Springer Professorship at University of California, Berkeley.

  His currently research activities include but not limited to: fundamental theory and measuring techniques of phonon/heat transport, phononic thermal devices, thermal metamaterials, phononic crystals, nano structured thermoelectric materials, and complex networks etc.


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