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Epitaxial growth of high-quality GaAs on Si(001) using ultrathin buffer layers


Cheng, Kun; Tang, Tianyi; Zhan, Wenkang; Sun, Zhenyu; Xu, Bo; Zhao, Chao; Wang, Zhanguo Source: AIP Advances, v 14, n 3, March 1, 2024;


The direct growth of III-V semiconductors on silicon holds tremendous potential for photonics applications. However, the inherent differences in their properties lead to defects in the epitaxial layer, including threading dislocations (TDs), antiphase boundaries (APBs), and thermal cracks, significantly impacting device performance. Current processes struggle to suppress these defects simultaneously, necessitating the development of methods to inhibit TDs and APBs in a thin buffer on silicon. This study introduces a GaSb buffer layer during GaAs epitaxy on a silicon (001) substrate. This approach successfully suppresses defect formation by promoting the formation of interfacial misfit dislocation arrays at both the AlSb/Si and GaAs/GaSb interfaces. The resulting GaAs layer exhibits a step-flow surface with a rough mean square of 3.8 nm and a full width at half maximum of 158 arcsec. Remarkably, the growth is achieved without any observable interfacial intermixing. Building on this platform, InAs/GaAs quantum dots are grown with a density of 3.8 × 10 cm, emitting at a wavelength of 1288 nm. This breakthrough holds immense promise for developing high-quality GaAs films with reduced defect densities on silicon for O band lasers, laying the foundation for the mass production of silicon-based integrated circuits.

© 2024 Author(s). (44 refs.)


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