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Carrier injection induced degradation of nitrogen passivated SiC-SiO2 interface simulated by time-dependent density functional theory    (Open Access)


Xiong, Tao; Dou, Xiuming; Li, Wen-Feng; Wen, Hongyu; Deng, Hui-Xiong; Liu, Yue-Yang Source: Journal of Applied Physics, v 135, n 10, March 14, 2024;


The performance of SiC-based metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors (MOSFETs) degrades seriously after a period of continuous operation. To directly understand this issue, we conduct real-time time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) simulations on a series of nitrogen passivated SiC- SiO 2 interfaces to monitor the interaction between carriers and interface atoms. We find that the nitrogen passivation always leaves behind two local states near the VBM, which gives a chance to the strong interaction between channel carriers and C-N bonds, and finally results in the generation of C dangling bond defects. These processes are vividly presented and confirmed by the TDDFT simulation. Additionally, the results show that the new defects are more easily formed by the passivated C cluster than the passivated Si vacancy. These studies provide physical insights into the degradation mechanisms of working SiC MOSFETs, while simultaneously demonstrating the advantage of TDDFT as a crucial tool for investigating defect generation dynamics in semiconductor devices.

© 2024 Author(s). (36 refs.)


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