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Design and simulation of an extreme ultraviolet metalens based on the Pancharatnam–Berry phase


Mao, Xu; Yu, Gang; Zhao, Yongmei; Wei, Bo; Li, Zhaofeng; Yang, Fuhua; Wang, Xiaodong Source: Applied Optics, v 63, n 7, p 1867-1874, March 1, 2024;


Extreme ultraviolet (EUV) radiation plays a key role in the fields of material science, attosecond metrology, and lithography. However, the reflective optical components typically used in EUV systems contribute to their bulky size, weight, and increased costs for fabrication. In this paper, we theoretically investigate transmissive metalens designs capable of focusing the EUV light based on the Pancharatnam–Berry phase. The designed metalens is composed of nanoscale elliptical holes, which can guide and manipulate EUV light due to the higher refractive index of the vacuum holes compared to that of the surrounding material.We designed an EUV metalens with a diameter of 10 μm, which supports a focal length of 24 μm and a numerical aperture of up to 0.2. It can focus 55-nm EUV incident light to a diffraction-limited spot, and the focusing efficiency is calculated to be as high as about 7% over a broad EUV frequency range (50–65 nm). This study reveals the possibility of applying a dielectric metalens in the EUV region without a transmissive optical material.

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