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第108期:Flying Q-bits and entangled photons


德国柏林工业大学Dieter Bimberg教授将于10月22日上午来我所学术交流,并在“黄昆半导体科学技术论坛”,望相关领域的科研人员及研究生准时参加!

  报告题目: Flying Q-bits and entangled photons

  报告人: Prof. Dieter Bimberg(德国柏林工业大学)

  时间: 2009年10月22日(星期四) 上午 9:00

  地点: 中国科学院半导体研究所学术会议中心

  Abstract: Efficient generation of polarized single or entangled photons is the crucial requisite for novel quantum key distribution systems and quantum information processing. Single semiconductor quantum dots are capable of emitting such photons on demand using pulsed current injection.The resulting resonant (Q =170) single-QD diode generates single polarized photons at a QDs grown on (111) oriented substrates of cubic semiconductors are proposed and demonstrated as source of entangled photon pairs. Intrinsic symmetry-lowering effects can be used for the generation of entangled photons without further tuning of the leading to the splitting of the exciton bright states are shown to be absent for this substrate orientation. As a result the biexciton to exciton recombination cascade of a QD fine-structure splitting via QD size and/or shape, as long as there are not large shape anisotropies. Complementary studies of c-plane GaN/AlN QDs reveal their potential as emitters of single or entangled photons still at high temperatures paving the way to true applications.


   From 1972 to 1979 he held a Principal Scientist position at the Max Planck-Institute for Solid State Research in Grenoble/France and Stuttgart. In 1979 he was appointed as Professor of Electrical Engineering, Technical University of Aachen. Since 1981 he holds the Chair of Applied Solid State Physics at Technical University of Berlin. Since 1990 he is Executive Director of the Solid State Physics Institute at TU Berlin. Since 2004 he is director of the Center of Nanophotonics at TU Berlin. In 2006 he was elected as chairman of the German Government National Centers of Excellence of Nanotechnologies.


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