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第109期:Theory of multi-exciton complexes in self-assembled quantum dots


加拿大国家研究委员会微結構研究所的Pawel Hawrylak教授将于10月26日下午来我所学术交流,并在“黄昆半导体科学技术论坛”上作第109期报告,望相关领域的科研人员及研究生准时参加!

报告题目:Theory of multi-exciton complexes in self-assembled quantum dots

报告人: Pawel Hawrylak (Institute for Microstructural Sciences, National Research Council of Canada)

时间: 2009年10月26日(星期一) 下午 14:00

地点: 中国科学院半导体研究所学术会议中心

Abstract: We review our recent work on optical properties and multi-exciton complexesin self-assembled quantum dots. We describe the concept of hidden symmetry as underlying principle in energy levels of multi-exciton complexes, optical detection of electron spin polarisation and tuning of multi-exciton spectra with lateral electric fields for entangled photon pair generation. In the end we discuss QNANO - microscopic atomistic theory and computational tool for the optical properties of self-assembled quantum dots.


Dr. Pawel Hawrylak received PhD in Condensed Matter Theory from the University of Providence, RI, USA, and joined the National Research Council of Canada (NRC) in 1987. Kentucky, Lexington, Ky, USA, in 1984, did postdoctoral research at Brown University, He is currently Principal Research Officer and Leader of the Quantum Theory Group at the Institute for Microstructural Sciences (IMS) as well as Adjunct Professor of Physics at the University of Ottawa and a member of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIAR) Nanoelectronics and Photonics Programme. His interests in last 20 years were focused on theoretical and computational nanoscience, and in particular on the electronic and optical properties of correlated electrons in semiconductor nanostructures for quantum information, nano-spintronics, and nano-photonics. Dr. Hawrylak is a co-author of book, Quantum Dots, published by Springer-Verlag (1998), and is author and co-author of over 200 publications and reviews in condensed matter physics and nanoscience. He coordinated IMS Nano-photonics and Quantum Information programs. In 1996, Dr. Hawrylak was elected Fellow of the American Physical Society, in 1999 he received the Humboldt Research Award, in 2002 he received the Canadian Association of Physicists’ Brockhouse Medal for outstanding contributions to condensed matter physics, and in 2003 NRC Outstanding Research Award for the development of "single spin transistor". In 2006 he was appointed Fellow of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research and elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada. Dr. Hawrylak serves as an Associate Editor of Solid State Communications (2005-), Canadian Journal of Physics (2002-2008), and a member of the Editorial Board of Physica E: low dimensional structures (1996-). Dr.Hawrylak was elected member (2002), Secretary (2005) and Vice-Chair (2008) of International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) Commission on Semiconductors. Between 2006-2008 he served as a member of the IUPAP Nanoscience Working Group. 



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